Thursday, December 12, 2019

Our WEBOOST RV-X booster has made it possible for us to keep secure internet access in these remote areas.  The antenna is raised as high as possible (we used a telescoping swimming pool cleaning pole).  The antenna signal  (Cell and 4G) goes down the cable to an amplifier and is then transmitted into the RV.  we have a Verizon Jetpack Hotspot mounted near the inside transmitting uses the Verizon 4G and turns it into WI-FI to feed our devices.  We have been getting up to 25 MBS download speed here at Buckskin Mountain State Park.  Without the booster we would not get much at all...if any!

WEBOOST Antenna on a telescoping pool cleaning pole.

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad you have internet so we can stay connected!
