Thursday, March 19, 2020

POST #61-2

An update to POST#61... as you read last time we are almost convinced we were affected by the Chinese Covid-19 Virus, referencing the timeline of events.

What we should add is that you should take all preventative precautions with your own health.  If you have any underlying what your doc says to keep ahead of it as much as possible.   

Boost your immune system! 

We are big believers in Vitamin D therapy to help supercharge your immune system!  We each take 8000 IU of Vitamin D daily.  It keeps our D Level at around 50.  We have it tested by the clinic at least once a year to make sure our level is above the minimum of 30 and below the maximum of 100.  DO NOT start taking 8000 units of Vit D each day WITHOUT having lour level tested.  Everyone is different in their needs of supplementation!  Most people are low in their D Level...some critically low.. Bottom Line...Get tested, supplement if necessary. Doctors are waking up to this and recommending it!

Vitamin C is a good immune booster as well.  Make sure to take it daily!

IF Covid 19 is what we had in February we are thinking by boosting our immune system it kept us from the worst of it.

Keep positive!  Don't be panicky and stressed out!  Stress really weakens our immune response, and that's NOT what we want right now!  This whole thing will pass...probably sooner than later.  Keep the numbers in perspective!  There are 327 million Americans.  At this point there are about 26000 cases in the US.  That number will rise, probably dramatically as more tests are performed.  the 26000 is a tiny percentage of 327 million.  And most that become infected get over it.

Stay in PRAYER!  Ask the Lord for protection of you and your loved ones!  Thats a big one!!   

Until Next Time!