Wednesday, December 16, 2020


POST #21-14

South To The Valley Of The Sun 

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On December 15th we packed up and continued on our journey south...We really liked our campsite at Dead Horse Ranch State Park here in AZ!

But it was quite cold down to 24 degrees on our last night!  All the hoses froze up!  As cold as it was you can see, by looking at this picture of our backyard captured at about the same time,  why we leave Montana in the winter and head south!

Or when it really gets bad like this video... 

We DON'T like the cold!  Anyway on the 15th we made our way south to our next stop at Lake Pleasant Regional Park, just a short distance NW of Phoenix.  A sped up video of the drive can be seen HERE...  Its interesting to watch the landscape on the drive suddenly transition from high desert plants and terrain to a Sonoran Desert landscape with Saguaro Cactus.  They suddenly appeared as we descended below about 2500 feet... 

Lake Pleasant Regional Park, Lake Pleasant Regional Park, within the area controlled by the Northeastern Yavapai during the historic period, was inhabited by Hohokam peoples during the prehistoric era. Five archeological sites were located during an archeological study of the Lake Pleasant area. Included in these five archeological sites were a defensive site, a stone workshop, a farmhouse, and two small villages. The five sites located during the study were occupied during the period A.D. 700 to 1450.

The Lake Pleasant area, while historically part of the mining and range industries of Central Arizona, had no significant influence upon either. Prospectors met only with frustration. The few mines that did exist in the Lake Pleasant area were short-term projects.

It is a ruggedly beautiful place! And about 20 degrees warmer than we have been experiencing lately!

The Boys (Bill and Ted) were totally unconcerned about, cold, sunny, cloudy... whatever!

We are only here for 4 nights, but are coming back in early January...AND we are getting ready for Christmas!...

Until Next Time!!

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