Saturday, December 26, 2020


POST #21-17 


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We are leaving Morenga Palms RV Park tomorrow to head deeper into the Arizona Outback!

While driving around we saw huge fields of trees....

They are Pistachio Orchards!  Arizona hosts about 4,500 acres of pistachio trees, mostly grown in this part of the state.  As a tree, pistachios are hardy but take a lot of attention. Pistachio trees are alternate bearing, meaning they have strong production one year and little the next.  There was nothing on the trees, but it was easy to figure what they were by nuts found on the ground...

Anyway we head out in the morning...Destination Alamo Lake State Park...about 38 miles north of the tiny town of Wenden which  we are staying about 2 miles west of.  That state park is WAAYY out there!

Until Next Time!

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