Saturday, January 25, 2020

Another beautiful day here in Cave Creek Regional Park, near Cave Creek/Carefree, AZ!  Sunny and about 70 with no wind.  Hiked up the trail to the old "Clay Mine" here in the park.  The Clay Mine is located on the Overton Trail here in the Park.

This mine made Lelaia Pearl Irish (pronounced La-lee-a) a wealthy woman. Lelaia’s initial search for gold in the early 1930s proved fruitless, but the ancient clay found in the mine proved to be white-gold on her 160-acre claim. The clay was ingeniously sold in a powder-form for $5 a pound. 

The “Perfect Mineral Drink” was endorsed by several physicians. It was called “Nature’s Own” and the name was copyrighted in 1937. Per Lelaia, the powder (made from kaolin clay) did “treat with startling results” the following: anemia, stomach troubles, ulcers, gastric conditions, kidney and blood disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, high blood pressure, dysentery, diabetes, and was very good for teeth. The prescription states, ”take a teaspoon of powder in a glass of water 4 times daily.” By the early 1960s Lelaia’s health failed, she abandoned her mine, and unfortunately, died soon after.

Saw this balloon and it landed nearby so went over to check it out...Note the size of the Basket!

Had 12 passengers plus the pilot...Like riding a bus!


  1. What?!? Clay that heals diabetes. Better try it.

    That is the biggest balloon basket I have ever seen. I would be scared to ride with so many people!
