Saturday, January 11, 2020

Our time here at White Tank Mountain Regional Park, AZ has been great.  Mostly sunny every day, light winds, daytime temps upper 60s to lower 70s.  We have been hiking, taking the boys out for walks on the leash and in the stroller.  We found a Pomelo Tree nearby that is loaded with fruit! WHAT IS A POMELO?  A fruit that goes by many names; pomelos are also called pompelmoes, shaddock or pummelos. These delicious citrus fruits originated in South and Southeast Asia. Pomelo is the largest out of all the citrus fruits with a close relation to grapefruit.  A lot of the size is the rind and the thick membrane surrounding the fruit itself. 

Pomelos are the largest member of the citrus family (which is why their Latin name is Citrus Maxima – literally the biggest citrus). Like other citrus fruits, pomelos are high in vitamin C. Depending on the variety, pomelos can weigh between 2 and 4 pounds! The flavor of a pomelo is very much like the grapefruit, but much milder. 

Pomelos are sweeter and don’t carry that tangy, bitterness that can be associated with grapefruit.  We find them absolutely delightful!

We are near Luke Air Force Base.  They are flying their F-16 and F-35 fighter jets over us here at the campsite every weekday...

We drove over to the end of the runway at Luke  AFB to get a close view and shot some video....

Its like being at an Airshow!

This week the Boys (Bill and Ted) got a good brushing!....

 They lost a lot of hair!....

It wore Bill out...But he loves to relax anyway!....

We all like to relax in the sun around here!....

Much better than the single digits and snow at home!

Until Next time...Stay Warm!

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