Wednesday, January 6, 2021

POST #21-22 

Fabulous Sunsets And Friendly Birds!  

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Our spot here at Lake Pleasant on top of the Lava outcrop has great views and fantastic sunsets!

I mentioned last time that it was my goal to get Meep the Roadrunner to jump up in my lap to get a treat.  So when we looked out the door this morning…there was the Roadrunner sitting on the arm of my chair!

So I got out the bacon and went out to try the feeding from the lap game…by the way we determined that Meep is a girl, by the sounds she was making.  Roadrunner calls are HERE. She makes the "female calls" sound quietly when she visits.  So I made the attempt to get her to jump up on my lap for the is a video of the attempt...

That was easy!  She takes it and jumps down and then jumps right back up for more!  We're sure she will be back.  She seems to be underfoot like a puppy when we go outside! 

Then we went for a drive and encountered a young supposedly wild burro right by the road...

She doesn't appear to be very wild, but we think they get fed here too and have no fear of people.

Weather was partly cloudy and about 71 today with light winds...can't beat it!...Great day!

Until Next Time!

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